countdown to the exodus from Bush-land...
the land of hypocrisy and hidden fascism
Raj being stopped by the buta for the heck of it..
oh, I mean, no seatbelt....he just started
driving for a minute!!!
minus 10 hours...ah yeeee! destination: Pilipinas!
yaaaan! and no, screw Korean, I'm doing JAL!
speaking of Asia, was chit chatting with
a friend last night at Oneal's b-day party
about what I miss about 日本 and, perhaps due
to many Stolis + Sprite, my answer was TV...
you may say, dang how the heck could you
possibly understand what they were saying?!
but look, what is it that you can't understand
about this?
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Perhaps, remnants of the good ole Engrish days, we've
been doing some soul-searching in the great cultural pot
that is Los Angeles...and the results are not interesting
at all unless you think like what a horny republican thinks
when seeing Jenna Bush...
ok, ya, the last 2 pics are not exactly from L.A.,
but they pretty much describe what goes on in
my apartment...yahh...
speaking of which, don't get involved with bad company! dawgs!
and beware of rodents
and those burly drunken vets on their harleys
tragic story...after the insano dj set by Fatboy Slim this big group of brazilians, students I take it,
were pretty pissed.."fuck America!" they said,
so my patriotic heart was inflamed, so I asked
"why, oh why, do you insult my sacred and secure
homeland, you mexican minger?" and they said
"2 am is bullcrap! only transvestites go home at
2 am in Brazil, and that's just to check if the
boobs are straight" point is, it was odd to hear them speak like that
in such a temple of culture that is the
Natural History Museum..
can you see the gazelle on the left window?
more pics of the Fatboy Slim shindig next time
(haha Richard)(may you rot in hell) VOTE BUSH!
and finally, some gratuitously scantily clad women...
but really, this is a game:
everything is different in this picture except for
5 things which are exactly the same...and perhaps
stop looking at those fat or phat legs, it would help..
and top 10
1. (ditto)
2. The Rapture - Sister saviour [Dfa dub remix]
3. Mighty Ryders - Evil vibrations
4. Dj Marky & Dj Patife - Só tinha que ser com você
5. Everything But The Girl - Corcovado [Knee Deep Classic Club mix]
6. 7L & Esoteric, Count Bass D & J-Live - Rules of Engagement
7. Funk Como Le Gusta - Meu guarda chuva [Dj Patife & Cosmonautics mix]
8. Aceyalone ft. The Soul of John Black - Space cowboy
9. Bebel Gilberto - August day song [Chateau Flight remix]
10. Bebel Gilberto - Alguem [Ananda Project remix]
1:57 AM
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yup yup yup, it's almost time
asia here I come!
speaking of which, kinda a while ago there was a JET alumni
meet-up at the not-so-great-but-still humongous villa of
the Japanese consul in Hancock Park
...good to see Kristy 'n' Pearl, and drink for free
you thougt that all I do is just rant all day against the
fascism that envelopes this country?
You are way wrong, in fact, I lament the fact that it affects
the whole world...what's up with that Canadian province, anyway?
anyway...as my old buddy pal KindofCrap would probably say...
"Bush is a bukkake waiting to happen"
no, anyway, I went to see D.J. Sneak, funky and hard as
expected, and Jori Hulkkonen, hailing from the terra incognita
of Finland with a peculiar blend of house and techno that I
have never heard before....got me hooked, needless to say..
and the long awaited top 10!
1.Two Tons of Fun - Do you wanna boogie, hunh? [BBE re-edit]
2. Nomad - (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
3. Pink Martini - Una notte a Napoli
4. Paul Johnson - She Got Me On [Radio edit]
5. Texas - Inner Smile [Stonebridge Classic House Mix]
6. Ben Watt - Lone Cat (Holding On)
7. Metro Area - Soft hoop
8. Scissor Sisters - Take your mama [big beat mix]
9. Starfunk - Gimme your love
10. Bis - Shack up
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Just chilling back home listening to the free-est radio in
L.A., 90.7 right now playing awesome music, but broadcasting
eye-opening real facts of life to counter the lies and hypocrisy
of the "moral majority"
speaking of morality, I keep forgetting to mention the
good fun I've been having in SF, the latest craziness
happening at Pam's b-day!
talking about going crazy....whats up with putting a hispanic
as nazi general...sneaky bastard
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Sick, really sick...I mean not only the whole election thing,
but I am sick too, and I don't mean the schoolgirl thing,
(follow the arrow muahaha)(boo)
I also have a macho of a fever that has posessed me...damn cold, I thought
that was only a japan phase, being japan deprived of heating
and of any knowledge regarding insulation.
I guess it's the perfect time to do a useless update since I
am not in the right state of mind!
Happy belated Halloween, by the way...partied as usual, did
the LA pilgrimage to West Hollywood's carnival...we noticed
many dressed as her but we managed to take a picture with local quasi-japansters
I forgot to talk about the crazyness at Pam's bday up in SF
that's for next time, although you can see some crazy pictures
of the nights at Pam's, Steph's and Chris'....
and now...let's consider that Canada thing for a while...
1:39 AM
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....what a country of stupid stupid idiots....
I am gonna kiss my future in america goodbye thanks to you, 50% of ameriKKKa
I guess it does take more than 100000 unjustified innocent deaths in iraq
to turn heads in this "christian" country, I guess it takes more than
millions of americans out of insurance and jobs, I guess it takes more than
fucking up our environment and giving blatant kick-backs to big money
corporations and special interest
ha! and this is the largest democracy?!!
as my italian friends say...
"american people are so fat that it's gone to their brains!"
9:34 AM