Sick, really sick...I mean not only the whole election thing,
but I am sick too, and I don't mean the schoolgirl thing,
(follow the arrow muahaha)(boo)
I also have a macho of a fever that has posessed me...damn cold, I thought
that was only a japan phase, being japan deprived of heating
and of any knowledge regarding insulation.
I guess it's the perfect time to do a useless update since I
am not in the right state of mind!
Happy belated Halloween, by the way...partied as usual, did
the LA pilgrimage to West Hollywood's carnival...we noticed
many dressed as her but we managed to take a picture with local quasi-japansters
I forgot to talk about the crazyness at Pam's bday up in SF
that's for next time, although you can see some crazy pictures
of the nights at Pam's, Steph's and Chris'....
and now...let's consider that Canada thing for a while...
1:39 AM