in the last update I posted a cartoon that still cracks me up and, well, you can totally read into it...i mean, stick it out and *chop* there you are, squrting and splattering blood all over...kind of how I feel living here as opposed to, well, after wrok that is, how it was in Japan. here it's all proud and so american, and the moment you say something criticizing the establishment or uttering I will vote "John Kerry"..
you are an ANTI-AMERICAN eeew eeew eeeew!
leave the US to the real USians you hippie! go back to Iraq and die, you slacker US ranger!!! go back to Europe you ungrateful bastard commie!
After the two debates between George W Bush and *ew John Kerry, the republican-aligned networks post polls where the candidates are pretty much all tied, with a good chunk of people in the middle still undecided...what morons, how can they still be undecided it is so obvious that at these debates GEORGE BUSH WON!
Now, here are some pictures depicting out lovely president engaged in some PR
and then some
aaaah, yes
in other related news, I recently engaged in
nah, I wish
went out with my newlywed cuz...@ the Larchmont
@ Star Shoes with Camillegal and mr Young and partying in the huge city of Mantica, CA
seems that all is good in CA..sunshine, school and all
but at the end of the day, there is still one place that I hate but where I'd like to go back...