Time flies, it really does, and as you can tell I barely have time to sit and write. Well that's primarily because I am drama-free as usual, and Bush and his junta is not pissing me off more than usual (well, besides that "send the army to the border" issue). Speaking of which, why send the army to the border? Why not just take Mexico down? Aye aye cap'n...let's take the non-gringos down!!! Who knows, Osama might be there too!! With that in mind, I could finally afford a place to live in!!! Could be in the middle of the desert...but what isn't nearly affordable nowadays in the greater LA area?! Got an email from my family about an ad they found for a place on sale in West Hollywood...nice place, 1923, 3 bedroom condo (what the hell is a condo anyway? basically just another way to say apartment, or overpriced toilet and rooms)...$600,000...for an apartment?!!?! and people tell me that that is quite a steal!! indeed, I will have to rob Las Vegas to start living here.
Bah, I'll do my 5 yrs here, then I'm out of this $tupid $tupid $ity. I can't possibly slave so much at work to then see 70% or more of my after-tax money fly away for a stupid apartment build when not even my grandma was born. And everything built before my grandma was born might as well be a freaking cave, or a neanderthal hut. And quite obviously NOT complying with any earthquake-resistant standard.
By the way, the big boy at UCLA, the chancellor man, makes in a month what I do in a year. Insanity, no wonder he is getting out of the UC system before he gets in to too much legal trouble. Let's see who will be laughing when you go to jail! GIVE MY TUITION MONEY BACK YOU F********UCKING CRIMINAL!
In other news, I am considering to abandon this blog thing that is truly uninspiring - except for the girlie pictures that I am sure you all appreciate (you too Barbara, I'm sure)...and take on more specific topics that I will let y'all decide this month..
This month, eh! World Cup starts in 23 days and my beloved Juventus, once again crowned champions of Italy, is in deep legal trouble now, and so are other major teams....the situation may prove to have very very crazy consequences beginning very soon!!!
and now, some pictures of my past birthday celebrations... my new coworkers are really awesome when they stick their heads out of the paperwork...poor guys! damn bureaucracy! and the party at...oh I don't even remember...in chinatown anyway too sexy...oh there it is...Grand Star Jazz Club! did they play jazz? I don't know..
Now starts the work-unsafe content...thanks to Mr. Brian, we got involved with this section of L.A. late 20s - 30yr old + crowd in Del Mar, of all places, and had quite a crazy night dressed as doctors and nurses... "we are all professionals" "we need a fireman in here, not a doctor!" let's just say that the only one of us who will actually become a doctor had quite a field day at the party...
what a good weekend! anyway...vote on!!! or 10:24 PM